4 Best EMDR Therapy Apps (Android & IOS) In 2024

Are you searching for effective ways to manage trauma and anxiety? Look no further than Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy. This innovative therapeutic approach has gained significant recognition for its ability to alleviate emotional distress and promote healing. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of EMDR therapy, exploring its unique approach and the benefits it offers. We will also introduce you to the best EMDR therapy apps that provide convenient access to this transformative therapy. So, let’s dive in and discover the power of EMDR therapy apps for anxiety relief and emotional well-being.

4 Best EMDR Therapy Apps

Best EMDR Therapy AppsDownload
EMDR TappersDownload
EMDR TherapyDownload
Anxiety Release Based on EMDRDownload

1. EMDR Tappers

As we explore the best EMDR therapy apps, let’s begin with EMDR Tappers. This app is a popular choice among individuals seeking anxiety relief and emotional healing through EMDR therapy. EMDR Tappers simulate bilateral stimulation, a key component of EMDR therapy, to alleviate anxiety and promote emotional well-being.

Features of EMDR Tappers:

  • Bilateral Stimulation: EMDR Tappers offer a variety of bilateral stimulation techniques, including visual, auditory, and tactile options. These techniques help to stimulate both sides of the brain, facilitating the processing of traumatic memories and reducing anxiety symptoms.
  • Customizable Settings: The app allows users to personalize their EMDR experience by adjusting the speed, intensity, and duration of the bilateral stimulation. This customization ensures a comfortable and effective therapy session tailored to individual needs.
  • Progress Tracking: EMDR Tappers include a progress-tracking feature that allows users to monitor their journey and track improvements over time. This feature provides a sense of accomplishment and motivates users to continue their therapy.

Pros of EMDR Tappers:

  • Convenient and accessible EMDR therapy option anytime and anywhere.
  • Offers a range of bilateral stimulation techniques for a personalized experience.
  • Progress tracking feature provides motivation and a sense of achievement.

Cons of EMDR Tappers:

  • Some users may prefer in-person therapy sessions for a more interactive experience.
  • Limited to self-guided therapy without the guidance of a licensed therapist.

2. EMDR Therapy

Another notable app in the realm of EMDR therapy is simply called EMDR Therapy. This comprehensive app offers a range of tools and resources for individuals seeking self-guided therapy sessions. With EMDR Therapy, you can access the benefits of EMDR treatment conveniently and at your own pace.

Features of EMDR Therapy:

  • Eye Movement Exercises: The app provides guided eye movement exercises, a fundamental technique in EMDR therapy. These exercises simulate the eye movement experienced during Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, facilitating the processing of distressing memories and emotions.
  • Self-Reflection Prompts: EMDR Therapy offers thought-provoking prompts to encourage self-reflection and exploration of emotions. These prompts help users delve deeper into their experiences and gain insights into their emotional well-being.
  • Supportive Resources: The app includes educational resources and information about EMDR therapy, ensuring users have a solid understanding of the therapy process. This knowledge empowers individuals to engage in self-guided therapy effectively.

Pros of EMDR Therapy:

  • Provides a comprehensive range of tools and resources for self-guided EMDR therapy.
  • Eye movement exercises and self-reflection prompts aid in the processing of distressing memories and emotions.
  • Educational resources enhance understanding and empower users in their therapy journey.

Cons of EMDR Therapy:

  • May not be suitable for individuals who prefer or require the guidance of a licensed therapist.
  • Limited to self-guided therapy without the personalized support of a professional.

3. Anxiety Release Based on EMDR

Continuing our exploration of the best EMDR therapy apps, let’s delve into Anxiety Release Based on EMDR. This app is designed specifically to target anxiety symptoms using the principles of EMDR therapy. If you’re looking for an app that focuses on anxiety relief and emotional well-being, Anxiety Release Based on EMDR might be the right choice for you.

Features of Anxiety Release Based on EMDR:

  • Anxiety-Focused Exercises: This app offers a range of anxiety-focused exercises based on EMDR principles. These exercises aim to reduce anxiety symptoms by targeting the underlying causes and promoting emotional healing.
  • Progressive Desensitization: Anxiety Release Based on EMDR utilizes a technique called progressive desensitization to gradually expose individuals to anxiety-inducing stimuli in a controlled and safe environment. This approach helps individuals build resilience and overcome anxiety triggers.
  • Breathing and Relaxation Techniques: The app includes breathing and relaxation techniques that can be used in conjunction with the exercises. These techniques promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance the effectiveness of the therapy sessions.

Pros of Anxiety Release Based on EMDR:

  • Focuses specifically on anxiety relief and emotional well-being.
  • Utilizes progressive desensitization to help individuals overcome anxiety triggers.
  • Includes breathing and relaxation techniques for enhanced relaxation and stress reduction.

Cons of Anxiety Release Based on EMDR:

  • Limited to anxiety-focused therapy and may not address other emotional concerns.
  • Does not provide the guidance of a licensed therapist for personalized support.

4. OpenEMDR

Another notable EMDR therapy app to consider is OpenEMDR. This app aims to provide individuals with a platform for self-guided EMDR therapy sessions. OpenEMDR offers a simple and intuitive interface, making it accessible to users who prefer a straightforward approach to EMDR therapy.

Features of OpenEMDR:

  • Bilateral Stimulation Options: OpenEMDR offers a variety of bilateral stimulation options, such as visual and auditory stimulation, to facilitate the processing of traumatic memories and emotions. These options allow users to choose the stimulation method that works best for them.
  • Session Customization: The app allows users to customize their therapy sessions by adjusting the duration and intensity of the bilateral stimulation. This customization ensures a comfortable and effective therapy experience tailored to individual preferences.
  • Export and Import Functionality: OpenEMDR provides the ability to export and import therapy sessions. This feature allows users to share their progress with therapists or transfer sessions between devices, ensuring continuity in their therapy journey.

Pros of OpenEMDR:

  • Intuitive interface for a user-friendly experience.
  • Multiple bilateral stimulation options for personalized therapy sessions.
  • Export and import functionality for convenience and continuity.

Cons of OpenEMDR:

  • Limited to self-guided therapy without the guidance of a licensed therapist.
  • May not provide the comprehensive resources and support available in other EMDR therapy apps.


1: Can I use these apps on both Android and iOS devices? 

Yes, all the mentioned apps are available for both Android and iOS platforms.

2: Are these apps compatible with older device models? 

Yes, most of these apps are designed to work on a variety of device models, including older ones.

3: Can I use these apps offline without an internet connection? 

Yes, once downloaded, these apps can be used offline without requiring an internet connection.

4: Will these apps store my personal data or therapy sessions? 

These apps prioritize user privacy and typically do not store personal data or therapy session information.

5: Can I sync my progress across multiple devices? 

Some apps offer sync functionality, allowing users to transfer their progress between multiple devices for convenience and continuity.


In conclusion, the top 4 EMDR therapy apps we discussed in this blog post offer a convenient and accessible way to experience the benefits of EMDR therapy. With EMDR Tappers, EMDR Therapy, Anxiety Release Based on EMDR, and OpenEMDR at your fingertips, you can embark on a journey towards anxiety relief and emotional well-being. These apps provide a range of features, tools, and resources that can support you in your healing process. So, don’t hesitate to explore and try these best EMDR therapy apps for a transformative experience. Take a step towards a brighter and more peaceful future.

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