Do AMD Stock Coolers Come with Pre-Applied Thermal Paste?

Do AMD stock coolers come with pre-applied thermal paste? If you’re new to the world of PC building or simply looking for an easy and hassle-free installation process, this question might be on your mind.

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of AMD stock coolers and explore whether they come with pre-applied thermal paste or not. So, let’s dive in and find out all you need to know about keeping your processor cool and your system running smoothly.

AMD Stock Coolers Overview

When it comes to cooling your AMD processor, you need a reliable and efficient cooling solution. That’s where AMD stock coolers come into play.

These coolers are specifically designed to keep your processor at optimal temperatures, ensuring smooth and reliable performance. Here, we’ll take a closer look at the various types of AMD stock coolers available and their key features.

Wraith Prism Cooler

The Wraith Prism cooler is the top-tier option offered by AMD. It comes bundled with high-end processors such as the Ryzen 7 and Ryzen 9 series.

This cooler boasts a sleek design with customizable RGB lighting, allowing you to add a touch of personalization to your system. With its large heatsink and powerful fan, the Wraith Prism offers excellent cooling performance, making it ideal for intense gaming or demanding workloads.

Wraith Spire Cooler

The Wraith Spire cooler is a step down from the Wraith Prism but still packs a punch. It is commonly included with mid-range processors like the Ryzen 5 series.

Despite its compact size, the Wraith Spire delivers efficient cooling thanks to its aluminum heatsink and quiet fan. Whether you’re gaming or multitasking, this cooler keeps your CPU temperatures in check without generating excessive noise.

Wraith Stealth Cooler

The Wraith Stealth cooler is the entry-level option among AMD stock coolers. It is typically bundled with budget-friendly processors like the Ryzen 3 series.

While it may not have the flashy aesthetics or the same cooling capacity as its higher-end counterparts, the Wraith Stealth still gets the job done. Its compact design and low noise levels make it a suitable choice for casual users and those with basic computing needs.

The Pre-Applied Thermal Paste Question

One of the burning questions when it comes to AMD stock coolers is whether they come with pre-applied thermal paste. Thermal paste plays a crucial role in ensuring proper heat transfer between the CPU and the cooler.

Here, we’ll dive into the specifics and find out which AMD stock coolers come with pre-applied thermal paste and which ones require manual application.

Pre-Applied Thermal Paste: Which Coolers Have It?

The good news is that some AMD stock coolers do come with pre-applied thermal paste. These coolers are ready to use right out of the box, making the installation process a breeze.

Models such as the Wraith Prism and Wraith Spire often come with pre-applied thermal paste, saving you the hassle of applying it yourself. This convenience factor is especially appreciated by beginners or those looking for a hassle-free setup.

Manual Thermal Paste Application: When Is It Required?

On the other hand, there are AMD stock coolers that don’t come with pre-applied thermal paste. The Wraith Stealth cooler, for example, falls into this category. If you have this cooler or any other model without pre-applied thermal paste, you’ll need to manually apply it during installation.

Pros and Cons of Pre-Applied Thermal Paste

When it comes to AMD stock coolers, the presence of pre-applied thermal paste can have its advantages and disadvantages. Here, we’ll explore the pros and cons of pre-applied thermal paste, helping you understand whether it’s the right choice for your cooling needs.

The Pros of Pre-Applied Thermal Paste

1. Convenience: One of the biggest advantages of pre-applied thermal paste is the convenience it offers. With the paste already applied to the cooler, you can save time and effort during the installation process. It eliminates the need for you to purchase thermal paste separately and apply it manually.

2. Optimal Application: The thermal paste applied by the manufacturer is typically done with precision and expertise. This ensures an even and proper application, maximizing heat transfer efficiency between the CPU and the cooler. It provides peace of mind, knowing that the thermal paste is applied correctly.

The Cons of Pre-Applied Thermal Paste

1. Limited Lifespan: Over time, thermal paste tends to degrade and lose its effectiveness. With pre-applied thermal paste, you have no control over its quality or age.

If the cooler has been sitting on the shelf for an extended period, the thermal paste may not perform optimally. In such cases, manual application of fresh thermal paste might be preferred.

2. Compatibility Issues: Pre-applied thermal paste may not be suitable for all CPU models or cooler upgrades. If you decide to switch to a different cooler or upgrade your CPU, the pre-applied thermal paste may not be compatible. This can result in the need for manual application or replacement of the thermal paste.

Considering these pros and cons, it’s important to evaluate your specific requirements and circumstances. If you value convenience and trust the manufacturer’s application, pre-applied thermal paste can be a great choice.

However, if you prefer more control over the quality and lifespan of the thermal paste, the manual application might be the way to go.


1. Do all AMD stock coolers come with pre-applied thermal paste? 

No, not all AMD stock coolers come with pre-applied thermal paste. It depends on the specific model of the cooler.

2. Which AMD stock coolers come with pre-applied thermal paste? 

Models such as the Wraith Prism and Wraith Spire often come with pre-applied thermal paste.

3. Can I use the pre-applied thermal paste on my AMD stock cooler for multiple installations? Yes, you can typically use the pre-applied thermal paste for multiple installations. However, it’s important to monitor its condition and effectiveness over time.

4. Is pre-applied thermal paste as effective as manually applied thermal paste? 

Yes, pre-applied thermal paste is designed to provide optimal heat transfer efficiency. However, its effectiveness may degrade over time, so it’s essential to consider the age and quality of the pre-applied paste.

5. What should I do if my AMD stock cooler doesn’t come with pre-applied thermal paste? 

If your AMD stock cooler doesn’t come with pre-applied thermal paste, you’ll need to manually apply it during installation. Don’t worry, though! Applying thermal paste is a straightforward process, and you can find step-by-step instructions in our guide.


Whether AMD stock coolers come with pre-applied thermal paste depends on the specific model you choose. While some coolers offer the convenience of pre-applied paste, others require manual application. Consider your needs for convenience and control over paste quality to make the right choice for your cooling setup.

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